Bronx Banner Kolsch Golden Ale Review

Bronx Bannner

Bronx Brewery is fairly young, having begun production in 2011. They currently produce 18 beers ranging from year-round offerings to seasonal productions. Up for review today is one of their year-round offerings, Bronx Banner Kolsch Golden Ale.

Bronx Banner pours a slightly hazy gold. There was a small head that rose to just over a finger at its height. There was some carbonation seen rising to the top. The aroma is one of malt and hops. There is a slight aroma of a pilsner breaking through as well. It has a very European nose to it.

The first sip is crisp and refreshing. There is a malt forward taste followed by a European pilsner flavor with notes of hops and lemon or lemongrass following. It is a pretty interesting combination and every sip seems to follow the same flavor profile. The beer is light-bodied and finishes slightly dry but is refreshing and very easy to drink. No one flavor really stands out but rather you get a cooperation among the different flavors that deliver a pretty good beer. Sadly, there is no lacing on the glass as it drinks. The head dissipated rather quickly and when it retreated to the ring around the glass it didn’t last but a few sips there. All that remained of the head with about a quarter of a glass left was a thin line of bubbles.

Overall, this beer isn’t one of the best I’ve had but it is good for sure. This is an easy-drinking beer, and at 4.8% ABV is goes down smooth. It is an old friend you don’t mind having around because things never get weird between you and there is that familiarity. This is the kind of beer that you might not always remember but when you do remember it you will remember it fondly.